《皇帝内经》是中医学的经典著作之一,也被称为《黄帝内经》或《黄帝内经素问》。它是中国古代医学的重要文献,被认为是中医理论的基石。《皇帝内经》由两部分组成,即《灵枢》和《素问》。 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
《皇帝内经》包含了丰富的医学知识,涉及到人体的结构、生理、病理以及诊断和治疗方法等方面。它提出了阴阳学说、五行学说等重要理论,强调了人体与自然环境的相互关系。此外,它还探讨了精神、情绪、意志等心理因素对健康的影响,并提出了保健养生的方法。 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
然而,需要注意的是,《皇帝内经》是古代文献,其中的一些理论和观点可能需要结合现代医学的知识进行理解和解释。 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
[1][首次辨析《黄帝内经》中与针灸有关的七个词的含义]。[PubMed:[First discrimination of the meanings of the seven words relevant with acupuncture in Huangdi Nei- jing (Yellow Emnerors Internal Classic)].(2015)]
[2]《黄帝内经》不同英译本评析。[PubMed:A review on different English versions of an ancient classic of Chinese medicine: Huang Di Nei Jing.(2017)]
[3]古代中医饮食疗法的原则:“黄帝内经”。[PubMed:Principles of diet therapy in ancient Chinese medicine: 'Huang Di Nei Jing'.(1993)]
[4]【黄帝内经常见文化专有词汇英译】。[PubMed:[English translation of culture-specific lexicon commonly seen in Huangdi Neijing].(2008)]
[5]【西周编纂的《黄帝内经》和《黄帝外经》)。[PubMed:[Huangdi Neijing and Huangdi Waijing compiled in the Western Zhou].(2021)]
[6]【黄帝内经:中医经典著作】。[PubMed:[Huangdi Neijing: a classic book of traditional Chinese medicine].(1997)]
[7]【黄帝内经医学心理学】。[PubMed:[Medico-psychology in Huang di nei jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon)].(2004)]
[8][对表本、根结、气结与经络脏腑相关理论的理解]。[PubMed:[Understanding of the theories of biaoben, genjie and qijie in the correlation with meridians and zangfu organs].(2020)]
[9]【黄帝内经编纂年代分析】。[PubMed:[Analysis of compiling date of Huang di nei jing (Huangdi's Internal Classic)].(2017)]
[10][中医经络本质研究新进展]。[PubMed:[New progresses of studies on essence of meridian-collaterals of traditional Chinese medicine].(2021)]
[11]【气针与《黄帝内经》提刺转神法的相关性】。[PubMed:[Correlation between spirit-qi acupuncture and lifting-thrusting twirling method for spirit in Huangdi Neijing].(2016)]
[12][人体“天佑(特16)五区”分析]。[PubMed:[Analysis of "Tianyou (TE 16) and five regions" in the human body].(2021)]